Friday, March 4, 2011

The Thought Behind Walk to Remember: A note from Marc

Walk to Remember was created after thinking for quite some time what we could do as young people to make genocide history.  I learned that after the Jewish Holocaust, the international community promised that nothing of the same kind would happen again to humanity, yet it did in Rwanda. The reason was because the world said "no" but they had no action to back up their words.  They also never set up any education program to teach the new generation.  

As a result, I thought a walk would be an effective way to create awareness since it would gather as many people as possible. Prior to the walk, we would use tools, such as testimonies, documentaries and debates, to educate people and give people firsthand information regarding the effects of the genocide both on the victims and the entire community.  The climax would be the walk where we would walk with people who are aware of why they are walking and what they are standing against. 

The vision for Walk to Remember is to reach out to all people worldwide teaching them about Genocide and how they can fight against it by protecting and preventing the death of any one person, just because of who they are. This will help us fight racism and any other form of discrimination which is a disease in our world today. The future plans for the walk will be to help each community to learn from Rwandan Tutsi genocide, Jewish Holocaust and all the other mass atrocities. So the walk can be used in their own way to resolve their conflicts before they get to far, as it happened in Rwanda. The world needs to learn from its past and communities need to learn from one another. If we don’t we will taste the fruit of forgetfulness which is repeating the same mistakes that our forefathers did. 

1 comment:

  1. Young as we are, this is an opportunity given to us to speak up and teach the old generation the values of being a human: because most of the people involved in Rwandan Genocide against the Tutsis were well educated with high degrees, it wasn't about being ignorant but i guess people forgot the values that characterized a human: love and respect to our fellow humans!! Walk to remember...hmm...I walk to remember that no matter how different people can be, they/we should think about the good that comes out of our differences and how it is the greatest weapon against evil and injustices that lead to wars and genocides... Let's join our efforts for a good cause!!
