Every time I have to do something I always like to ask people this question, “what is your thought?’. You may ask me why I like that, and I may give you many reasons whether good enough or not. But one thing I'm certain of is having a second thought always help me to develop myself inside and out.
One of the most powerful quotes on the power of thought that I came across not so long ago (author unknown) reads:
"Watch your thoughts,
they become your words.
One of the most powerful quotes on the power of thought that I came across not so long ago (author unknown) reads:
"Watch your thoughts,
they become your words.
Watch your words,
they become your actions.
Watch your actions,
they become your habits.
Watch your habits,
they become your character.
Watch your character,
it becomes your destiny."
What is fascinating about this quote is how it traces the almost seamless link from thoughts to words to actions to habits to character to finally destiny! This underlines how important it is for one to think the right thoughts in order to perform the right actions and acquire strength of character and ultimately attract the destiny one has always dreamt of. Of course, this is easier said than done! Nevertheless, it all boils down to the very seed of it all — the right thoughts and where it all begins — in the mind. For centuries, great thinkers right from the time of Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed to even modern-day bestsellers, have emphasized on the power of thought. All these show how one needs to first think the situation out in one’s head and live the dream to actually achieve it.

However, how does the thought process translate into reality? Both the idea and the process of this is quite baffling and many thinkers have sought to unravel the mystery. Talking about merging your individual thoughts with the universal mind, Dr Dyer says, “When you form a thought within you that’s commensurate with spirit, you form a spiritual prototype that connects you to intention and sets into motion the manifestation of your desires.” And our thought can turn into our destiny, why choose to destroy ourselves with wrong and bad ideas?
I know and believe that one way we can develop our ideas and our opinions is by educating ourselves. Walk to Remember gives us the youth a chance to educate ourself, stand together and express our thoughts through events.
The power of thought — go right ahead and harness it!
Walk to Remember - India
Thanks for sharing Nelson! It really makes you think about your thoughts :) It's all very true. I'm a firm believer in the power of positive thinking but have never seen those quotes. Thanks again.